Our Delta 8 Distillate is Derived ONLY From Hemp
Finally our DELTA 8 Drops are here! Our Hemp derived Delta 8 mixture is made from rare Delta 8 THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) found in the hemp flower and provides a similar high (with a lower psychotropic potency) to Delta 9 THC without many of the negative side effects.

Delta-8 is Here!!
Lately, Delta 8 products have been increasing in popularity, as customers say it can sometimes provide an overall better experience. We have two new products that offer our new Delta-8 formulation.
Federally Legal Hemp Derived Active THC Delta 9
100% US Grown Hemp & USA Made
Fast-Acting and All Natural
Third-Party Tested & Verified Potent Cannabinoids
Shop Delta-8 Now!
Delta-8 Indica
Delta-8 Indica
20ct/25mg (500mg)
Delta-8 Jumbo Combo Pack
Includes Gummies & Tincture
Want to learn more?
Read our blog about Delta-8 here.
Drug Test Disclaimer: The lesser-known delta-8 THC is a double bond isomer of the more common delta-9 THC. Although it might not have the same strength of delta-9, delta-8 THC still has the ability of producing a high, with added benefits. If you are required to drug test, take at your own risk.
Although the Farm Bill declines to mention Delta-8 THC explicitly, it can be inferred that the production of Delta-8 THC is compliant with federal law so long as it contains not more than 0.3 percent of Delta-9 THC on a dry weight basis. Since our product line contains less than 0.3 percent of Delta-9 THC, it satisfies the compliance threshold, and, in turn should be considered a legal product under the parameters set forth in the Farm Bill.