Sports Rubs

Keep moving, pain free!

rubCBD Sport
rubCBD Sport

Our rubCBD Sport is a topical anesthetic that offers a warming sensation when applied. 

rubCBD CoolSport
rubCBD Cool Sport

Our rubCBD Cool Sport is a topical anesthetic that offers a cooling sensation when applied. 

Our rubCBD Cool Sport is a topical anesthetic perfect for severe muscle fatiguejoint pain, and inflammation that offers a cooling sensation when applied. 

rolCBD Sport
rolCBD Sport

Our rolCBD Sport is a topical anesthetic with an invigorating wintergreen scent perfect.

Our rolCBD Sport is a topical anesthetic with an invigorating wintergreen scent perfect for severe muscle fatigue, joint pain, and achy feet.

rolCBD Cool Sport

rolCBD Cool Sport

Our rolCBD Sport Cool is a topical anesthetic with an invigorating wintergreen scent.

Our rolCBD Sport Cool is a topical anesthetic with an invigorating wintergreen scent perfect for severe muscle fatigue, joint pain, and achy feet.

CBD Sports Rubs
THC Free
CBD Ratings brand certification

9.8 cbdRating!

“BioRemediesMD rubs have really helped my aching knees.”

– Bimal

rubCBD & rolCBD Sport includes only organic, full-spectrum, CO2 extracted, third-party tested, hemp-derived CBD!

Highly effective, and quality assured! Available in a variety of strengths to best meet your needs! Organic, full-spectrum, hemp-derived CBD oil, combined with organic terpenes, in either an shea butter-base (rubCBD), or a MCT oil-base (rolCBD). Our rubCBD and rolCBD are topical analgesics plus skin moisturizers and vitamins. Our proprietary blend of terpenes provide their own effects, but they are also skin penetrants, meaning they maximize the effects of our active ingredients

Our wintergreen scent is not intended for persons under the age of 12.

Are you a shop owner, chiropractor, acupuncturist, or wellness center interested in carrying our products?